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Test online Pronombres Relativos en Inglés

Examen de Inglés: Pronombres Relativos

Examen de Inglés: Pronombres Relativos

1. The person ___ helped me was very kind.

2. She visited the town ___ she grew up.

3. That's the writer ___ book I lent you.

4. They live in the house ___ door is always open.

5. I don't like the food ___ is served here.

6. That is the company ___ products are exported worldwide.

7. We walked through the park ___ the trees were in full bloom.

8. She’s the singer ___ voice captivates everyone.

9. He mentioned a book, ___ title I can’t remember.

10. They visited many cities, ___ had interesting museums.

11. The author, ___ book you borrowed, won several awards.

12. He failed the exam, ___ was a huge surprise to everyone.

13. We went back to the beach, ___ we first met.

14. She has three dogs, all of ___ are rescue animals.

15. That's the scientist ___ discovery changed the course of history.

16. I will never forget the day ___ we first landed on the moon.

17. The hotel ___ we stayed was very comfortable.

18. She talked about her childhood, ___ she spent in the countryside.

19. He’s looking for the documents ___ contain the annual report.

20. The conference, ___ was held in Paris, attracted many scientists.