¿Tienes alguna pregunta?
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¿Sigues sin entender las preposiciones en inglés?

Definitivamente tienes un problema.

Lo vamos a solucionar en unos minutos.


Aprende las preposiciones in, on y at en Inglés: Guía Completa con Ejercicios

Te lo llevan explicando demasiados años y sigues sin enterarte. Por ello te voy dejar la explicación para que de una vez por todas, te quede claro. 

¿Sigues sin entender las preposiciones in, on y at en inglés?

Definitivamente tienes un problema. 

Lo vamos a solucionar en unos minutos.


Aprende las preposiciones in, on y at en Inglés: Guía Completa con Ejercicios

Aprende a utilizar la preposiciones in inglés, in, on y at

¿Cómo utilizar la preposición "in" en inglés?

Utilizar "in" lugares

Para áreas geográficas grandes: países, ciudades, regiones.


Ejemplo: “in Spain”, “in Madrid”.


Para espacios cerrados o limitados: edificios, habitaciones, vehículos grandes.


Ejemplo: “in a classroom”, “in a car”.

Utilizar "in" en inglés tiempo

Para meses, años, estaciones y partes del día (excepto “night”).


Ejemplo: “in April”, “in 2022”, “in summer”, “in the morning”.


Para períodos de tiempo más largos o indefinidos.


Ejemplo: “in the past”, “in the future”.

¿Cómo utilizar la preposición "on" en inglés?

Utilizar "on" para lugares

Para superficies: mesas, suelos, paredes.


Ejemplo: “on the table”, “on the floor”.


Para niveles específicos de un edificio.


Ejemplo: “on the first floor”.

Utilizar *on" para tiempo

Para días y fechas específicas.


Ejemplo: “on Monday”, “on April 20th”.


Para eventos especiales.


Ejemplo: “on my birthday”, “on Christmas Day”.

¿Cómo utilizar la preposición "at" en inglés?

Utilizar "at" para lugares

Para lugares específicos o puntos en un espacio.

Ejemplo: “at the door”, “at the station”.


Para referirse a actividades en lugares comunes (ej., estudiar, trabajar).


Ejemplo: “at school”, “at work”.

Utilizar "at" para tiempo

Para horas específicas.


Ejemplo: “at 3 PM”.


Para festividades sin “day”.


Ejemplo: “at Christmas”, “at Easter”.

Ejercicios de preposiciones "in", "on" y "at" en inglés con solución.

Aquí llega el momento de practicar los condicionales en inglés. 

1. We will meet _____ 3 PM.

2. She lives _____ Madrid.

3. The painting is hanging _____ the wall.

4. My birthday is _____ June.

5. The books are _____ the shelf.

6. They are playing soccer _____ the park.

7. I was born _____ 1990.

8. The meeting is scheduled _____ Monday.

9. He is waiting for you _____ the bus stop.

10. They go to school _____ the morning.

11. She found her keys _____ her bag.

12. The conference is _____ the summer.

13. He works _____ a bank.

14. The movie starts _____ 7 o’clock.

15. We are having a party _____ my house.

16. They usually have lunch _____ 1 PM.

17. She is _____ vacation.

18. The cat is sleeping _____ the sofa.

19. He arrived _____ the airport early.

20. The students have exams _____ December.

***Animo, ya tienes la mitad de los ejercicios hechos. “El dominio del inglés es el resultado de pequeños esfuerzos diarios; no subestimes el poder de la constancia.” ***


21. They are talking _____ the phone.

22. The picture was taken _____ Easter.

23. I saw her _____ the corner of the street.

24. They play football _____ weekends.

25. We are going to travel _____ spring.

26. She is good _____ playing the piano.

27. The plane will land _____ Madrid Airport.

28. I will be back _____ a few minutes.

29. The meeting is _____ the main office.

30. He was born _____ a small town.

31. They are studying _____ the library.

32. The concert starts _____ night.

33. She usually goes jogging _____ the evening.

34. The supermarket is located _____ the street.

35. He has an appointment _____ the doctor’s _____ 10 AM.

36. The children are playing _____ the garden.

37. She got married _____ 2005.

38. They watched a movie _____ Saturday night.

39. The package arrived _____ the morning.

40. I have lived here _____ 2010.

41. The flowers are _____ the vase.

42. We are going to the beach _____ summer.

43. The train leaves _____ noon.

44. I will see you _____ the cinema.

45. The meeting takes place _____ the conference room.

46. She is always busy _____ weekdays.

47. The museum is closed _____ Mondays.

48. He works _____ an office _____ downtown.

49. The classes begin _____ September.

50. We had a great time _____ Christmas.


Aprende los Modales en Inglés: Guía Completa con Ejercicios

Soluciones ejercicios de preposiciones "in", "on" y "at" en inglés.

1. We will meet at 3 PM.

2. She lives in Madrid.

3. The painting is hanging on the wall.

4. My birthday is in June.

5. The books are on the shelf.

6. They are playing soccer in the park.

7. I was born in 1990.

8. The meeting is scheduled on Monday.

9. He is waiting for you at the bus stop.

10. They go to school in the morning.

11. She found her keys in her bag.

12. The conference is in the summer.

13. He works at a bank.

14. The movie starts at 7 o’clock.

15. We are having a party at my house.

16. They usually have lunch at 1 PM.

17. She is on vacation.

18. The cat is sleeping on the sofa.

19. He arrived at the airport early.

20. The students have exams in December.

21. They are talking on the phone.

22. The picture was taken at Easter.

23. I saw her at the corner of the street.

24. They play football on weekends.

25. We are going to travel in spring.

***¿Qué tal?, Si no has acertado mas de un 65%, deberías echarle un ojo a la teoría otra vez.***


26. She is good at playing the piano.

27. The plane will land at Madrid Airport.

28. I will be back in a few minutes.

29. The meeting is at the main office.

30. He was born in a small town.

31. They are studying in the library.

32. The concert starts at night.

33. She usually goes jogging in the evening.

34. The supermarket is located on the street.

35. He has an appointment with the doctor’s at 10 AM.

36. The children are playing in the garden.

37. She got married in 2005.

38. They watched a movie on Saturday night.

39. The package arrived in the morning.

40. I have lived here since 2010.

41. The flowers are in the vase.

42. We are going to the beach in summer.

43. The train leaves at noon.

44. I will see you at the cinema.

45. The meeting takes place in the conference room.

46. She is always busy on weekdays.

47. The museum is closed on Mondays.

48. He works in an office in downtown.

49. The classes begin in September.

50. We had a great time at Christmas.